Title here
Summary here
Pragmatic PHP dependency injection container, with PSR-11 compliance
Get Started →Create and configure service objects directly within your configuration
return [
'db.connection' => obj(DbConnection::class, name: 'main')
->call('setLogger', ref('logger')),
Or using configurator
return static function(Configurator $configurator) {
->obj('db.connection', DbConnection::class, name: 'main')
->call('setLogger', ref('logger'));
Easily manage object creation through factory classes
return [
'some.factory' => obj(SomeFactory::class),
'some.instance' => obj([ref('some.factory'), 'create'], foo: 'foo'),
Seamlessly integrate environment variables into your service definitions
return [
'some_feature.enabled' => env('SOME_FEATURE_ENABLED', default: false)->bool(),
'some.service' => obj(SomeService::class, someFeature: ref('some_feature.enabled')),
'another.service' => obj(AnotherService::class, foo: env('FOO')),
Simplify referencing by creating aliases for your services, or associating implementations with interfaces
return [
'logger' => obj(SomeLogger::class),
LoggerInterface::class => ref('logger'),
Use closures to dynamically create values or service instances
return [
'db.url' => static fn(
#[Ref('db.driver')] $driver,
#[Ref('db.host')] $host,
#[Ref('db.port')] $port,
#[Ref('db.user')] $user,
#[Ref('db.password')] $password,
#[Env('DB_NAME', default: 'main')] $name
) => "{$driver}://{$user}:{$password}@{$host}:{$port}/{$name}",
'db.connection' => static function(
#[Ref('db.url')] string $url,
) {
return new DbConnection(url: $url);