Invoking Callables

The Norvica DI Container provides a convenient way to invoke any callable (function, method, or class with __invoke()) while automatically injecting its dependencies. This can be particularly useful for executing commands, running background tasks, or triggering specific actions in your application.

Automatic Dependency Injection

When you invoke a callable through using container as a callable itself, it will inspect the callable’s parameters and automatically resolve any dependencies it can find registered in the container.

Passing Additional Parameters

Besides injecting dependencies, you can also pass additional parameters to the call:

$result = $container(MyCallable::class, extraArg: 'value');
// or
$result = $container->__invoke(MyCallable::class, extraArg: 'value');

Let’s illustrate how to invoke different types of callables.

Classes with __invoke() Method

class MyCommand {
    public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger) { /* ... */ }

    public function __invoke(string $message) {

// ...
$container(MyCommand::class, message: 'Command is executed.');
// or
$container->__invoke(MyCommand::class, message: 'Command is executed.');

Class Methods

use function Norvica\Container\ref;

class MyService {
    public function processData(string $data) { /* ... */ }

// ...
$container([ref(MyService::class), 'processData'], data: 'some_data');
// or
$container->__invoke([ref(MyService::class), 'processData'], data: 'some_data');

Static Methods

class Utils {
    public static function generateReport(PDO $db, string $startDate, string $endDate) { /* ... */ }

// ...
$container(Utils::generateReport(...), startDate: '2024-01-01', endDate: '2024-01-31');
// or
$container->__invoke(Utils::generateReport(...), startDate: '2024-01-01', endDate: '2024-01-31');

Anonymous Functions

    function (LoggerInterface $logger, string $message) {
    message: 'Logging a message from the closure',
// or
    function (LoggerInterface $logger, string $message) {
    message: 'Logging a message from the closure',